User administration

After creation of each team member in auditbus, distribution of tasks, assessments and information becomes really easy. The underlying concept of roles and rights makes sure, everybody can perform his activities and duties.

Add new users

In order to add new users, select the user tab and click the avatar marked with the plus-icon. "Username" and "E-Mail" are mandatory. Aditionally, you have to assign one of the three available user roles (admin, auditor or customer [=right to read data only]), to enable the new user to work with auditbus.




Assign content to users

Auditors automatically get access to locations by allocation of assessment questionnaires (which are assigned to location from its side).

Leadauditors, projektmanagers and customers get direct access to locations by mapping content layers.

You may select "Users for all child elements" in order to show current access of users to subordinated levels:


To revoke access to specific locations, jou just have to click the avatar icon marked with "x". That's all.

Auditors automatically loose access, after completion and finishing the related checklist.

By clicking the avatar-icon marked with + right next to the layer's name, you open a new windor which allows to search after users by name or e-mail. With a click on the desired name, access for this user will be added.



Addition of the layer "South/East" to accissible locations (User has access after next login):